To view the Kindergarten Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Kindergarten Circle of Grace
Understand and describe the concept of Circle of Grace
• describe a person's holy space
• identify appropriate behaviors
Identify Safe and Unsafe Situations
• How to take action if boundaries threatened/crossed
• name one or two trusted adults
• practice asking for help
To view the First Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
First Grade Circle of Grace
Understand and describe the concept of Circle of Grace
• describe a person's holy space
• identify appropriate behaviors
Identify Safe and Unsafe Situations
• How to take action if boundaries threatened/crossed
• learn to identify someone that comes into their Circle of Grace
• name one or two adults whom they can seek out help
To view the Second Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Second Grade Circle of Grace
Concept of Circle of Grace reinforced
• demonstrate their own Circle of Grace
• behaviors that are appropriate and treasure themselves and others
as children of God
Understand Safe and Unsafe Situations
• How to take action if boundaries are crossed
• three step action plan - identify trusted adults
To view the Third Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Concept of a Circle of Grace in relation to the use of internet on computers, phones, etc.
• safe and unsafe secrets
• positive use of the internet
• appropriate behaviors using the internet
• identify boundaries using the internet
To view the Fourth Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Fourth Grade Circle of Grace
Understanding the Influence of the Media
• recognize that trusted adults help us stay safe and help us respect others
• identify different types of media and how they influence our Circle of Grace in positive and negative ways
To view the Fifth Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
To view the Sixth Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Sixth Grade Circle of Grace
Understand respect and disrespect
• skills to resist disrespectful behavior as part of the safety PLAAN - Protect, Listen, Ask, Act, Notify
To view the Seventh Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Identify values that reflect moral decisions
• Christians have specific moral values
• Understand those values and how they may oppose cultural values
• Our values assist us in keeping appropriate boundaries
• Know how to seek help when something unsafe threatens their Circle of Grace
To view the Eightg Grade Circle of Grace Curriculum, please click the button below.
Eighth Grade Circle of Grace
To view the Vocabulary used in Circle of Grace Curriculum for each grade level, please click the button below.
Circle of Grace Vocabulary
There is a "Parent Packet" and a
"Circle of Grace Parenting and Sexuality Handout"
available upon request in the school office.
Because of the adult language, these will not be posted online.
These are NOT part of the curriculum, students will not see these.
They are only available in the office by request, by an adult.